Polarized light microscopes are those who use polarized light. They use up some simple techniques like illuminated to work. Here, the transmitted light can be blocked with a polarizer which is oriented at 90 degrees. When researchers work along with this, they do so by making use of polarizing plate to convert the natural light. This optical instrument is most widely used in mineralogy. When this equipment is chosen for birefringent samples, the polarized light interacts with the specimen and creates a contrast with the background. Thus, they are useful in that sense. In a polarizing microscope, you will find a polarizer and analyzer. The polarizer is placed below the stage on the base of the microscope. This instrument can be used to observe bone, teeth, urine crystals, amyloid, gout crystals etc. Kotech Export has a variety of polarizing microscopes and if you are thinking of purchasing a piece, then you should definitely contact us for a quote.